About Us

The mission of the Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group is to improve the competitiveness of member plants through cost-effective resolution of issues common to more than one member, and to provide a superior regulatory interface in support of member activities. This mission will be accomplished by maintaining a focus on the following objectives.


  • Support safe and reliable plant operations.
  • Provide an effective regulatory interface.
  • Effectively leverage the resources of its members, including Westinghouse and Areva NP.
  • Provide a forum for joint discussions and resolution of issues common to more than one member
  • Provide a mechanism for allocating costs and resources relative to resolution of owners group issues, whether performed Westinghouse, Areva NP, or others.
  • Provide an effective interface with NEI, EPRI, INPO and other industry groups and owners groups on industry issues
  • Share best practices and lessons learned among US and International Members

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